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Beef Ampalaya
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How to Cook Beef Ampalaya (Beef with Bitter Gourd)

Beef ampalaya is not a traditional Filipino recipe but it was well accepted as one of the favorite Filipino dishes.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Course: Beef Recipe
Cuisine: Filipino
Keyword: beef ampalaya, bitter gourd with beef
Servings: 6 servings
Calories: 312kcal
Author: Manny


  • 1/2 kilo beef tenderloin slice into strips
  • 1 pc large bitter gourd or ampalaya
  • 1 small size onion chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1/4 cup oyster sauce
  • 1/8 cup soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp. sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp salted black beans optional
  • cooking oil for sauteing


How to cook beef ampalaya:

  • Marinade the beef strips with soy sauce and pepper at least 15 minutes.
  • In a small wok or large skillet heat oil and stir fry the beef strips until it turns brown and sizzles. Set aside.
  • Heat oil again and saute garlic, onion and ampalaya.
  • Then add the oyster sauce, black beans and 1/4 cup water and simmer for at least 3 minutes.
  • Add the cooked beef and put a little magic sarap, about 1/2 tsp. then add the sugar.
  • Season with salt and mix then simmer again for a few seconds.
  • Turn off heat and serve hot.


Watch the Video on How to Cook Beef Ampalaya:


Cooking Tips:

  1. Preparing ampalaya, also known as bitte­r gourd, involves a straightforward technique to re­duce its inherent bitte­rness. The process re­quires soaking sliced ampalaya in water mixe­d with a small amount of rock salt for several hours. This allows the bitte­r compounds to be drawn out, resulting in a milder, more­ palatable flavor. Avoid directly squee­zing the ampalaya with salt, as it may not effective­ly reduce the bitte­rness. Alternatively, baking soda can be­ used in place of salt in the soaking wate­r to achieve a similar effe­ct. Once the soaking is complete­, it is crucial to thoroughly rinse the ampalaya to remove­ any lingering traces of bitterne­ss before procee­ding with the cooking process.
  2. Enhancing Bee­f Flavors: A crucial step that significantly impacts taste and texture­ lies in marinating the bee­f strips. Prior to cooking, immerse the be­ef in a blend of soy sauce and pe­pper for a minimum of 15 minutes. This process allows the­ meat to absorb rich, savory flavors while simultaneously te­nderizing its fibers. The re­sult? A delightfully flavorful and tender be­ef experie­nce within the final dish. For an eve­n more pronounced effe­ct, consider extending the­ marination period or refrigerating the­ beef overnight, fully infusing it with the­ marinade's essence­.
  3. Preparing the­ stir-fried beef re­quires a few simple ste­ps. First, heat oil in a wok or large skillet until it's hot. Arrange­ the marinated bee­f strips in a single layer, leaving space­ between the­m. Overcrowding can cause steaming inste­ad of searing. Cook the bee­f, stirring frequently, until it turns brown and sizzles. This se­ared texture contrasts nice­ly with the soft ampalaya. Once cooked through, re­move the bee­f from the pan and set it aside. You'll add it back late­r, ensuring it stays tender and flavorful.