In the Philippines, only pork, chicken and beef, are commercially available in almost all areas. As such, meat and poultry dishes generally use one of these ingredients. In the provinces, goat, deer, carabao and some other more exotic meats are also used as alternates.
The by-products of pork, chicken and beef are also utilized in our cooking. When an animal is slaughtered, almost nothing is thrown away. Our frugal ways have resulted in delicious dishes that make use of the tongue,blood, intestines, liver, lungs, tail and other offal.
Most Filipino meat dishes are made to complement plain, white rice. The viand must be tasty so that even a small amount is enough to flavor a spoonful of rice. To go a long way, meats are usually highly seasoned and often saucy. Meats that are fried or grilled over charcoal are invariably eaten with an assortment of dipping sauces.
And about this site, it is your online resource of all kinds of meat based Filipino dish recipes. Whether main course or appetizers , chicken, pork or beef you will find many recipes. Please visit this blog often and bookmark, like my facebook fanpage, follow me on twitter, subscribe and watch us on Youtube.
And about the author, I’m Manny Montala the creator of this recipe blog. Since childhood I was interested in cooking that is why I was always in the kitchen with our kusinera many years ago. I was a fat kid then and always being teased as “napabayaan sa kusina” hahaha (in english: left alone in the kitchen without supervision). I even have a Chinese recipe book with 1,000 recipes which I always read and dream to cook. But when I was growing up my interest shifted to aviation so I forgot about cooking. And about other things about me, I worked as a CAD engineer for 12 years in a semiconductor tooling company and also in an appliance manufacturer until I decided to earn a living online full time since 2007. I also graduated in PATTS college of Aeronautics with the degree of Aeronautical Engineering. So I hope you will enjoy visiting my blog and also my youtube channel Panlasang Pinoy Meaty Recipes!
Thanks for visiting.
Best wishes!
Manny Montala
One of My Favorite Bible Verse: Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)